Stylish is an application that uses AI, through which you can process your photos in the style of some of the most famous artists. With just a few clicks on your phone, you can get the right masterpiece. Our application allows you to directly capture a photo or add some of the existing images from the gallery! Just a few seconds away from masterpiece!
Stylish is based on Neural Style Transfer (or Artistic Style) technique which applies Convolutional Neural Networks by separating and recombining the image content and the style of original image. In other words, it produces new images of high perceptual quality by combining arbitrary photography with the appearance of well-known artworks. In the end, you are getting an artistic image to impress your friends and family.
Stylish adalah aplikasi yang menggunakan AI, di mana Anda dapat memproses foto Anda dengan gaya beberapa seniman paling terkenal. Dengan hanya beberapa klik pada ponsel Anda, Anda bisa mendapatkan karya yang tepat. Aplikasi kami memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil foto secara langsung atau menambahkan beberapa gambar yang ada dari galeri! Hanya beberapa detik dari mahakarya!
Gaya didasarkan pada teknik Neural Style Transfer (atau Gaya Artistik) yang menerapkan Jaringan Neural Konvolusional dengan memisahkan dan menggabungkan kembali konten gambar dan gaya gambar asli. Dengan kata lain, ini menghasilkan gambar baru dengan kualitas persepsi tinggi dengan menggabungkan fotografi sewenang-wenang dengan penampilan karya seni terkenal. Pada akhirnya, Anda mendapatkan gambar artistik untuk mengesankan teman dan keluarga Anda.
Stylish is an application that uses AI, through which you can process your photos in the style of some of the most famous artists. With just a few clicks on your phone, you can get the right masterpiece. Our application allows you to directly capture a photo or add some of the existing images from the gallery! Just a few seconds away from masterpiece!
Stylish is based on Neural Style Transfer (or Artistic Style) technique which applies Convolutional Neural Networks by separating and recombining the image content and the style of original image. In other words, it produces new images of high perceptual quality by combining arbitrary photography with the appearance of well-known artworks. In the end, you are getting an artistic image to impress your friends and family.